Back in 2020 I worked on a commission for clients in Scotland called ‘The Spirit of Glasgow’. It was a large scale work on two panels measuring in total 360x90cm / 142”x 36”. This painting here, is the study of the right hand panel for that commission.
Oil on linen
94x47cm / 37"x15"
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I’m calling it a study (a somewhat contradictory label, I know) only because in this case there’s appears to be a fine line between a study and a finished artwork.
Back at the time it was painted though, it was done quickly and roughly without too many details - which is usually what a study is.
Recently, I put it back on my easel and decided to begin refining it. Why? Because it had something that piqued my creative interest and I was challenged to see what would happen. I love working on shapes that interlock with each other yet still need to have a composition coherency. It makes a nice change from the realistic still life paintings.